Infrastructure - A Statistical Profile

    Item                                            Unit            1950-51      70-71      80-81        88-89
(i) Electricity Installed capacity     '000 Mw    2.4               16.3     33.3            66.3

(ii)Electricity  Generated                Bn. kwh.   7.5                61.2   119.3         237.4

(iii)Coal production
      (including lignite)                  Mn. tonnes   33.0              76.0   119.0         207.0

(iv)Crude Oil production            Mn. tonnes       -                 7.0      11.0           32.0

(v)Length of surfaced roads           '000 km.     157              398     698            833

(vi)Motor vehicles on roads          '000 nos      306            1,865  5,173       13,486

(vii)Railway route-length               '000 km.     54.0             60.0    61.0           62.0

(viii)Freight traffic (railways)   Bn. net tonnes  44.0          127.0   158.0        230.0

(ix)Shipping fleet                          Number         103             255     403           389

(x)Shipping tonnage                      '000 grt         311          2,500  5,889        6,000

(xi)Aircraft (civil)

(xii)Hours flown                                '000            98             130     225            196
       kms. flown                              Million           31               59      89             115

(xiii)Commercial banks
       Number of branches                                  5,078      22,958   35,707     57,320

(xiv)Deposits                             Rs. Billions       8.81       64.51   467.41     1401.5

(xv)Post Offices                           '000 nos.           36           109        139          145

(xvi)Telephones                           '000 nos.         168        1,293     2,785       4,741

(xvii)Hospital beds                      '000 nos.          117          359         569         702

(xviii)Doctors                               '000 nos.            62         148          269         331

(xix)Primary schools                   '000 nos.           210        408          486         537
        Students in

(xx)primary schools                      Million              19          57           73           90



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